November 10, 2005

Censoring Others Yourself Really Sucks!!!

What really sucks, is that companies like CleanFlix, FamilyFlix, or CleanPlay; are really against “Freedom of Speech” and they feel they are doing the public a favor when they are in turn hurting. They are saying you have the right to alter someone else’s film, and then re-selling it. Leave the film alone. That is the author’s work, if you do not want to see it fine. However, do not change it, say it is the same thing, and then re-sell it. It is against the law for someone to take someone else’s work, change it and then re-sell it. The companies that alter these films say there doing this so kids can watch it. HELLO! Idiots! A five year old child is NOT suppose to watch a Rated R, Rated PG-13, or even a Rated PG. If you are a parent and you are letting your kids watch these movies, and you cannot read the rating systems on movies. Well, you are in serious trouble. They have a rating system for almost every form of media. If you are a parent and do not know this. “Where the HELL have you been?” Even websites carry a rating system. Mine is rated PG-13. Therefore, you are curious if I would show my site to a kid, well it would probably depend on rather the parent of that kid would allow them to. However, I would be totally against some company coming in and editing my site, because they felt something in it was not to their liking. I have just begun to make my own Sim movies. There not the best, but there mine. I created them. I would hate someone else to edit them because they felt they were inappropriate. So I would say to this film butchers. Stop!

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